Saturday, August 25, 2012

A memory

The couple of days after getting home are a blur now. I was back to work on one of the days for an orientation shift which went fairly smoothly considering I was very unprepared. I showed up to work in sweat pants and my mother's shoes that were too small for me. Luckily they had scrubs available and everyone was very understanding. One of the days we ran errands and tried to organize our chaotic life. With no cell phones, vehicle or steady home, this is difficult to do. We are staying between my parents and Tyson's parents places and borrowing cars. On the morning that we left for Calgary none of this had been sorted yet, in fact our belongings were spread between four different houses and we had no idea where anything was. So in many ways, we were still living out of a backpack in various homes and this was comforting if you can believe it.

My mother threw us a coming home/birthday party for me the night after we got home and it was nice to see so much loving family. We continued to be shocked by all the new buildings that had popped up over the time we had been gone. We visited in on one of my best friends who had gone and had herself a very cute baby while we were gone.

On Thursday morning at five am we left for a very much needed vacation to Calgary. We tagged along with Tyson's parents and the four of us drove through beautiful British Columbia. We made many stops starting in Mission and then in Merrit and through to Kamloops. We drove past kilometers and kilometers of grassy hill and forests. The sun was shining but there was a nice breeze, the music was playing and the road trip went quite smoothly. The scenery of the Rocky Mountains on the way was breathtaking. I have rarely seen such natural beauty. There is a definite necessity to redo this drive ensuring we have a few extra days to stop along the way for hiking and sightseeing. We passed countless town of various sizes from cute quaint ones to large big box ones. We only hit a bit of traffic and got a bit lost once we hit Calgary but other than that there were no problems and we got to the hotel safely.

Tyson and I stayed at his cousin's house nearby the hotel that most of the other out of town guests were sleeping. We visited with all the other family at the hotel before getting picked up and heading back to Tyson cousin's place. We met his soon-to-be wife and got to know her and their friends a bit better. The next morning we helped set up the hall for the better part of the day which we have become quite efficient at since we have become of marriage age and all our friends ask our sober services. We attended two events in the evening for the different sides of the family. We initially went to a cocktail party hosted at a nice restaurant in downtown Calgary. We ate drank and were merry before heading very fashionably late to a family get together at a fabulously renovated house belonging to a family friend. That gathering went late into the night and was very fun. We saw a lot of family that we had not seen since our wedding nearly three years ago. I was also meeting a few family members for the first time ever.

The next day we hung out with Tyson's cousin from Shanghai and her new husband. We explored the local mall that was dead and normal before going back to the house and watching some Olympic events. Even though the wedding started at four pm we managed between the four of us to be late. His cousin that we were with was the sister of the groom. The wedding was a very enjoyable event with great people, speeches, decor, food and dancing. There were very emotional moments as in most weddings and I cried along with most of the other females and even a few males. Tyson's mother unfortunately missed the event because she was feeling unwell and we all thought of her throughout the night. As in every wedding there were moments where people cringed and family deals came up but overall I think everyone had a great time. Tyson and I did the take down of the decor immediately following the wedding and head back with the wedding party to the house. That night they opened the gifts and along with laughing and chatting, we were up until about five am.

The next day we attended a brunch where we were too tired to eat at about eleven am. We said bye to the people we would no longer see and the head to the hotel. We chilled for the day in the room and the pool and then ate a nice dinner nearby. We stayed that night at the hotel in Tyson's parents room to encourage an early start the next morning for the drive home.

Bright and early on the thirteenth of August we set out back to our temporary home in Pitt Meadows. We took a different way from the drive out to Alberta and got to see a different but equally beautiful area of the country. We stopped by Franks slide and saw Canada's deadliest rockfall. It was unreal and disturbingly beautiful. We also stopped in many other towns that I had heard of but never seen. We finally got home in the early evening and I visited with my family for my birthday.

Taking this trip was nice because it allows us to slip back into "normal life" slowly instead of being thrown in head first. Although the anxiety is building up for me with the amount of things that I have to do and take care of for "normal life" to progress normally, I was able to pause if for a week or so. Getting home meant lists and stress but perhaps that is what normal life is for me. The experience of being away for so long was refreshing in that I learned about how simple life can be if we let it and that is one of my goals, to bring that lifestyle to my life in Canada.

"If we are not happy and joyous in this season for what season shall we wait"

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