We woke up one our last day in Gili after a night of sunsets and pancakes (both missed) and slept a final time in one of our favorite accomadations U N ME guesthouse.
The ferry ride back from Gili was comfortable and since we were now used to the delays and tricks of the shuttle company, we were able to relax. Even the larger ferry from Lombak to Patang Bai was less nauseating. We bought small packets of rice mixture and while Tyson drugged himself with gravol and fell asleep I accidentally ate his share too. So the trip back was the same as the trip there but in reverse, we travelled on two boats and several shuttle busses before we were dropped off in central Kuta. In Kuta we ate ice cream and walked the hour distance back to our couchsurfers home in Denpasar. Once there we could finally access our second bag again. We ate dinner and watched movies and slept in the next day.
We then had to walk the hour back to Kuta with all of our stuff which was a sweaty and painful endeavor. In Kuta we exchanged money at a poor rate for our departure tax of 150,000 each. We then blew every last rupiah on chips, chocolate, cookies, noodles, mentos, rice packets and of course our last serving of Satay. We then experimented with some of the local fruits and discovered a magical taste. Mangosteen. They are purple and green and magnificent. We have since consumed hundreds of them.
Our last day in Kuta, we stole free wifi from a hotel we were not staying in and realized that our 8:30 am flight to KL had been changed to 5pm and no one had informed us. So we were in a bit of a panic since we had no hotel booked for that night and a fancy hotel in KL waiting for us the next day. Luckily Tyson's mother fixed it all up for us and AirAsia pulled through and actually got us on a 6am flight. We wandered around the beaches until a thunder storm started. We hid in an air conditioned
McDonalds and read until it was time to walk to the airport.
We slowly walked all the way to the international airport even though all the locals said it was impossible. Along the way I saw a cat get hit by a car so I screamed and ran away crying but Tyson went to help it. The driver actually came back as well and together they helped the unhurt (yet extremely startled) cat back to its feet. I just kept crying.
At the airport there is security right at the front foor so we could not actually get in until 4am the next morning. So we put out our bum blanket and set up camp on the street for the night alongside cockroaches and bums.
The next morning, we got on the flight and slept through the three hour trip. Coming out of the airport we were blown away by the modern structures and familiar brands that we saw. Every restaurant and fast food joint you can think of was represented. We walked past them to the shuttle busses. We caught a yellow bus called Aerobus to KL central. On the way we slept and our money belt containing all the Malaysian cash (minus 16 ringett we had paid for the bus) was stolen. We lost all our cash, debit card, prepaid visa, keys to the locks on our bags, student card, reciepts and other stuff we haven't remembered about yet.
When we got off the bus Tyson asked for the keys to the bags and I went to reach inside the money belt to grab them for him but it was no where to be found. So Tyson ran full speed back to the bus that had already taken off. The manager then doubled Tyson on his motorbike to where the bus driver had pulled over for lunch. Tyson searched the bus high and low for the money belt but obviously it had been snatched and it absolutely totally sucked! We had lost it so stupidly. I was in a state, so the bus company gave us a free cab ride to the hotel where we cancelled our stolen cards. We could not contact the embassy or the local bank though because it was Chinese new year and everywhere was closed.
We settled into our hotel room still a bit distraught over the day's events. The hotel was beautiful though with a pool, gym and other extras that budgetting backpackers are not accustomed to. We shamelessly asked reception if they could help us out with a meal since we had been robbed but they refused. So we left the hotel and walked around the city for the first time. Malaysia is amazing and definitely already one of our absolute favourite places. There are three main cultures here: the Malay people, Indians and Chinese. There are also two main religions: Muslim and Hindu. The country is politically Islamic and it shows. Some women wear long black cloaks and cover everything but their eyes. Others wear only the hijjab covering their hair. I wore a tank top out one day and think I got more attention than if I had walked around in a monkey costume. In the Muslim areas all the food is Halal and you cannot find alcohol or pork. In the Chinese areas these things are more accessable.
Politics plays a major role in the lives of people in Malaysia. Non Malay people cannot hold political positions or government jobs even though the other ethinicities have been in malaysia for many generations. The government only helps out the Malay people and everyone else is left to fend for themselves. This care also comes at a price however as Malays are muslim and if they are caught disobeying Islamic law (eg: at a bar or having a girlfriend) they will be prosecuted. Also no one is allowed to speak against the government or God. If they are caught doing so, the public will physically attack the person and the government will defame them by creating stories about them and their character. This is best case scenerio, otherwise they could be inprisoned. Scholarships are only availabe to Malay students and every major company is owned and operated by the government. The Prime Minister makes millions of dollars per week and even though there appears to be many people who want to overthrow him and his shitty government, any such event will likely not take place in the near future.
There is much more that makes up the culture here but generally speaking the people are very kind and easy going. The areas are distinctly Chinese OR Indian OR Malay but there is definitely a fusion between the three. This is especcially evident in their foods.
We walked around town until we came to the infamous and unmissable Petronas towers. Until recently they were the two tallest buildings in the world. They are fascinating! They're two identical buildings belonging to the petrol companies (belonging to the government). They are worth billions and are 88 stories high. At night the lights come on and they are an amazing sight. The photos do not do this place justice!
We then walked to the tourist police station to make a report about our stolen goods. The police were all female and very nice. They even gave us a ride back to our area in a police car. Interestingly for the report I had to tell them my religion which is now a part of the official record. While we were in the police station, several other tourists came in with sob stories of being pick-pocketed and purse snatched. One elderly couple in particular from New Zealand took the free police ride to town as well. They even insisted on giving us 50 ringett for dinner because we were the same age as their children. This act of generosity actually brought tears to my eyes and I wish them the best everyday. I guess without the acts of greed from the bad guys we cannot see the good in so many other people. This was not the only gesture of kindness we recieved after being robbed. We were also offered cash and help by other folk which was pretty sweet.
We ate in a Chinese area that was PACKED with (it seemed like millions) of people. We had two noodle and seafood dishes that were quite tasty and even though it cost more than Indonesian prices, it is still reasonable. There were lots of fireworks and fire crackers to help celebrate the joy of the new year. We watched movies to chocolate milk, Coca Cola and banana bread that night.
The next day we got up and head straight for the free breakfast from the hotel. This was by far the most extravagent buffet meal either of us had ever witnessed in real life. There was every type of imaginable food available and we filled our pie holes with more than our fair share. After that, we filled our bags. We ate Indian nasi and roti, eggs and cereals, malay noodles and chinese noodles. We ate beef (halal) bacon, potatos, sausages (chicken) and more. We stayed full until that night when we ate the stolen goods.
We walked through little India that has blaring Indian music, lots of bright colours and also PACKED with people, tons of stalls and restaurants selling exotic drinks and foods. We then passed through China town where there are just as many people and the streets decorated with red ornaments for the holidays. We passed by a Herbalife store which excited Tyson even though it was closed. We then got caught in an extreme downpour that lasted about 25 minutes and caused minor flooding. Tyson bought me a cool bracelet and I was happy.
We then caught the train (LRT) to our new couchsurfing home. It is in a large beautiful high rise with a huge pool and court yard area. We have our own room here and it is very comfortable. Today we slept in and our host took us to an authentic Indian restaurant. We made the mistake of not asking what the prices were and eating and eating and eating. When the bill came we should not have been surprised that it was equivalent to several days budget. Although we stayed full until the end of the day we still kicked ourselves at the extravagence.
Then they took us to the Batu caves which is one of the coolest places I have ever seen. We did not pay to do the dark cave adventure because our hosts were with us but we did climb the 278 stairs alongside the gold holy statue to the caves. Inside the caves there is limestone and its quite beautiful. There are many monkeys playing and eating with spiders, bats and ccockroaches. There are also many Hindu statues that depict different aspects of the religion.
We then went out for authentic Indian tea (which is different from the Vancouver's authentic Indian tea). We chatted with our host and his friend the whole day. Then we went out for dinner where i could not eat a thing because I was still full from the large lunch.
When we got home, we went down to the pool for a while and relaxed in the evening preparing for our full day of wandering the amazing city tomorrow. While relaxing we , of course, had to snack on chocolate muffins, oranges, malaysian spicy/sweet chips and eggs while watching a Tom Cruise movie that sucked.
"If we are not happy and joyous in this season for what season shall we wait"
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